Article: Commercial weight loss programs. How much can you expect to lose?
Commercial weight loss programs don't work... or at least, not a well as most of us think. How much can you expect to lose? Despite the editorials detailing anecdotes of 200+ pound weight losses, the average weight loss on a commercial dieting program (like Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, and Nutri-system) is 6 pounds over 2 years (1).

That's only an average of 3 pounds per year! Compare that to the average Weight Watchers subscription rate of $275/year, coming in at around $91 per pound lost. While on the surface these programs seem affordable, the data supporting their efficacy is atrocious as best.
Now I get it, there aren't many commercial options, and of the few options available, they don't appear to work nearly as well as we hope. With almost half of the population dieting at any point in time (4), we need an option that will actually work long term.
If only there was a tried and true way to lose the weight. Unsurprisingly there is, and it is grounded in common sense, and you likely already know about it. Deep down, we all know that we need to be eating more fresh fruits, vegetables, intact whole grains, and beans and less calorie rich and processed foods (CRAP). The problem often is that we don't know how to actually do this, or when we do do this, we don't know how to make these foods taste good. So instead, we look to practitioners who tell us that we can have our cake and eat it too! "Keep eating exactly what you are eating right now, don't change a thing, pay my fee and miraculously lose weight" -- they say! If it sounds too good to be true, then it likely is. Logically, we know this, but when we are struggling to lose weight, we tend to be easily blinded by anecdotes.
In the words of Dr. David Katz (past president of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine), "Most sensible adults know that get-rich-quick schemes are the stuff of scams and sitcoms. Those same sensible adults, however, routinely reach for their credit cards when an offer of get-thin-quick or get healthy-quick comes along. In a market where buyers reject the tried and true in favor of false promises and pixie dust and in a culture where scapegoats and silver bullets are preferred over a prosaic blend of science and sense, the sellers respond accordingly." (3)
Instead of wishing and paying for weight loss that may never come, let's take an intensive approach to getting you success. When we work together, we'll do more than just talk about weight loss. Together, we'll grocery shop, prepare foods and implement new systems and habits to actually get you there. We will learn how to eat differently together and you will be supported throughout the process. There is no change without change. Let me guide you through the changes that will get you the biggest results, so that you can walk away with the tools that you need to lose the weight and keep it off. Stop paying for programs that don't work and come work with a medical provider who is dedicated to your success. I'm here to show you what you are capable of. You are not a failure -- you are a bright and competent individual, capable of learning new skills and reaching your weight loss goals. I believe in you.
Weight Loss With Self-help Compared With a Structured Commercial Program. Heshka et al. JAMA (2003)
Obesity Rate by State 2023. World Population Review. (n.d.)
Diets, Diatribes, and a Dearth of Data. Katz. Journal Circulation Cardiovascular Quality Outcomes of the American Heart Association. (2014)
Attempts to Lose Weight Among Adults in the United States, 2013–2016. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018)
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